illustrated topics







The treasury of cultural heritage in Macedonia created during the Prehistory, Antiquity, Early Christianity, the Middle and Late Middle Ages, and extending into the beginning of the last century, encompasses numerous monuments, which belong to different historic epochs. They reflect the prolific creativity of the region, the various styles, the artistic concepts and trends. On Macedonian territory, the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine sacral monuments, and the Islamic sacral and profane monuments represent testimonies for an extensive continuity of artistic tradition, where for over a millennia a transfer of ideas and artistic concepts existed, and reflected the various religious and national currents, and were united in the act of artistic creation. The monuments from the Byzantine, the Post-Byzantine, and the Islamic period and of the time of the Revival according to their architectural features, artistic quality, and achievements belong to the general Balkan cultural milieu. They are acknowledgment of the Macedonian territory for the valuable contribution in creation of the unique artistic treasury of Southeastern Europe. 
The manners of artistic and spiritual expression on Macedonian soil during the centuries were profiled in different creative techniques, in fresco -painting, woodcarving, icon-painting, building, or in some other form of creativity, at times they were successful or less successful. Nevertheless,  even in the most difficult moments in history with undiminished desire and skill always expressing the character of  Macedonian ingenuity they created what we call today the MACEDONIAN Cultural Treasury.

2.286,345 characters

3.343 illustrations from the cultural heritage of Macedonia
151 collages

60 minutes audio material
40 seconds video material
Illustrated themes, book, map of sites, chronology list, gallery, glossary
An opportunity for an advance research of 414 archaeological sites, monasteries, Islamic monuments, museum collections in Macedonia….

For realization of the project, 24 experts took part- professors, specialists, software and digital designers….  

(c) Ñèòå ïðàâà ñå çàäðæàíè îä Êàëàìóñ / Èçðàáîòèë Aspekt